Quality, Certificates and Declarations
Quality, Standards, Certificates - our Certificates like e.g. DIN EN ISO 9001
Customer Information - DE
Customer Information - GB
We shall be pleased to provide you with the most important data in our self-disclosure.
You can request this at any time at export@gossenmetrawatt.com
of METRAWATT International GmbH
Code of Conduct - GB
of METRAWATT International GmbH
Data Protection-Guideline - GB
Quality Management System per DIN EN ISO 9001
Environtmental Management System per DIN EN ISO 14001
DQS ISO 9001 - DE
DQS ISO 9001 - GB
DQS ISO 14001 - DE
DQS ISO 14001 - GB
IQNet-ISO 9001
IQNet-ISO 14001
Our registered transport packings are recorded and are utilized materially. The requirements of the packaging regulation are fulfilled. By recycling these crowds approx. 15 000 kg of CO2 were saved.
Recycling Zertifikat - DE
Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum and Gold coming from the Democratic Republic of Kongo and several neighbour countries.
Conflict Minerals - Regulation - DE
Conflict Minerals - Regulation - GB
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) - regulation pertaining to the new Chemicals Law of the European Community
REACH-Erkl?rung - DE
REACH-Erkl?rung - GB
RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) - Conformity of our products with EU Directive 2011/65/EU per ElektroG (Electrical and Electronic Device Act)
RoHS-Konformit?t - DE/GB
Einhaltung der Zahlung des am 1.1.2015 in Deutschland eingeführten Mindestlohns.
MiLog-Pass #50002367 - DE
Tariftreue- und Vergabegesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen
TVgG-NRW Pass # 1027721 - DE
Accreditation per DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 and federally recognized as DAkkS Calibration Laboratory under No. D-K-15080-01-01 - and attachment.
DAkkS-Akkreditierung - DE
Liste akkreditierter Messgr??en - DE
Weitere Informationen über unser DAkkS-Kalibrierlaboratorium finden Sie hier.
provided as standard feature with METRAHIT multimeters and for many of our testers. (den Lieferumfang des jeweiligen Produkts finden Sie auf der entsprechenden Produktseite)
DAkkS-Zertifikat - DE
State-approved Test Center for Electricity Meters
Zertifikat Eichamt - DE
Visit our Test Center – EBY 8.
Mit dem E-Marken-Logo des ZVEH unterstreicht der Elektro-Fachhandwerker seine Kompetenz gegenüber den Kunden. GOSSEN METRAWATT unterstützt die E-Marke sowie den E-CHECK - das anerkannte Prüfsiegel der Elektrofachbetriebe für elektrische Anlagen und Ger?te.
Needles to say, our test instruments comply with the requirements for performing the E-CHECK - for safe electrical systems and devices.
Durch unsere Mitgliedschaft im Helmholtz-Fonds e. V. f?rdern wir die
Forschung und den Wissenstransfer im Bereich der Metrologie.
The Recognised Component Mark from UL (left) may be used for components parts that are part of a larger product or system. Many of our custom power supplies have this certification.
Innovation by cooperation with partners of control and automation engineering, possible by membership in Automation Valley.
We are member of AS-INTERFACE.
We belong to PROFIBUS User Organization
LonWorks-technology refers to a universal automation network and is a worldwide standard for the automation of buildings and industrial plants.
Our energy management systems and measuring transducers are equipped with this interface.
For the development of M-Bus applications we consider the requirements of the M-Bus User Group at Paderborn University.
L-Bus devices work with the same protocols as M-Bus devices, but with very low signal levels.
HART - Highway Addressable Remote Transducer - is an open communication protocol for industrial measuring instruments - many of our transducers can work with this protocol.
The Controller Area Network is used in the automotive industry, the factory automation and for machine control. We support this with our temperature controllers.
MODBUS Protocol is a messaging structure developed by Modicon in 1979, used to establish master-slave/client-server communication between intelligent devices.
It is a de facto standard, truly open and the most widely used network protocol in the industrial manufacturing environment. Our energy management systems and transducers are also available with this protocol.
We incorporate our know-how into national and international safety standards by means of active participation in the development of normative documents
Many of our instruments have been distinguished with several safety relevant awards
EX - ATEX-Certificate
GL (German Lloyd)
CSA (Canada)
KemaKeur (NL)
IMQ (Italy), MEEI (HU)